Members' club constitution and rules
Document overview
- NT
- SA
- WA
- Length:7 pages (1800 words)
- Available in:Microsoft Word DOCXApple PagesRTF
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About this document
This document is our comprehensive unincorporated association agreement in its simplest form. It includes all relevant provisions; however, you will not be able to hold property nor an alcohol license. It is an all-embracing agreement suitable for any type of association and will be suitable in almost every situation.
We have templates for specific types of unincorporated association coming soon. If your venture has standard, logical, common place rules and procedures, this document will be suitable. Similarly, if you have extraordinarily unusual rules and procedures, you will benefit most by buying this document and amending it to fit.
When to use this document?
Whenever you set up a new unincorporated association, or when you are a member of a current one which could benefit from a formal agreement.
Application and features
- Any one wanting to set out the rules for an unincorporated association - that is, anything from a:
- local sports club;
- investment club;
- residents association;
- voluntary organisations;
- syndicate; to
- any other unincorporated association
- Aims and objectives;
- Subscriptions, resignation, suspension and expulsion;
- Management of the association;
- Powers of the committee – what are they and who decides;
- Annual general meetings (AGMs);
- Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs);
- Quorum at meetings;
- Voting at meetings;
- How and when the rules can and will be amended;
- Provisions for dissolution;
- Other usual legal paragraphs;
- Schedule of annual subscription charges;
- Explanatory notes and guidance.
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- Detailed guidance notes explaining how to edit each paragraph
Lawyer Assist
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- Document with guidance notes explaining how to edit each paragraph
- Unlimited email support - ask our legal team any question related to completing the document
- Review of your edited document by our legal team including:
- reporting on whether your changes comply with the law
- answering your questions about how to word a new clause or achieve an outcome
- checking that your use of defined terms is correct and consistent
- correcting spelling mistakes
- reformatting the document ready to sign
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